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Dungeons and Dragons the Ultimate Game Design Teacher

Before I get into why D&D(Dungeons and Dragons) is a great tool for up and coming game designers, i'll first need to explain what D&D is. So D&D is a paper and pencil role playing game where the players create and role play a fictional fantasy character (think Lord of the Rings). The players (or player) then set out on an adventure written by the DM or Dungeon Master who writes and create scenarios in which the player can do anything. Wanna piss of that ogre to draw it away from its alies? you can do that as long as you role the die well. You want to convince the palace guard that you are the new viceroy that no one has been talking about? you can do that. The characters lay out their plan then the DM explains what happened with a verbal description (although some people use figurines).

So D&D can be a really good for people looking to start working on video games because it allows people to understand how other people think. If someone wants to make a puzzle game D&D can help them understand what players might think is the answer or how they would respond to a strange situation. It can also help designers avoid pitfalls with bugs and exploits. Having a game where literally everything is possible will show the DM the different and creative ways people will try to break your game and because of that they can transfer their knowledge over to their development. The game is also great for letting people increase their creativity. The open ended nature of D&D allows players to get into seemingly impossible situations which call for the DM to make something up on the spot. A good DM is also adept at creating interesting characters and descriptions which can help with world building in the pre-Development phase of any game.

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