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Rouge-like boss idea

What if, instead of having the same boss in a rouge like over and over again, you became the boss after the game ended. Your character would have all of the same weapons and probably a new ability that would be randomly added.

The game would also analyse how you play to create the boss. For example it would find out how reckless you are and add that to the map and boss techniques. Im not a programer yet but it might look something like this:

/if/ variable (Projectile amount) > 50


/If/ *player* distance to wall > 100

/than/ change variable (Recklessness) by +1


/if/ *player* distance to wall <100

/than/ change variable (Recklessness) by -1

This process could create interesting scenarios and bosses that, while still challenging, would break up any monotony and add tons of replay-ability. Additionally this would give the players a chance to create there own stories.

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