A Creative Way to Start a Game with NPC DeathFor those of you that don't know, NPC stands for none playable character and make up people that the player interacts with. Typical...
FTL Range finder modIn space, no one can see your beautifully painted ship decorated with Engi heads because tactical engagements happen at distances up to...
3rd Person VR? Pt.1Most VR games capitalize on the aspect of near unlimited visual movement with brilliant immersion. So far this has been used in First...
climbing the Bot Ball ladderIn the ISSEA STEM competition bot ball a team is tasked with transporting objects (such as balls) using automatons (such as bots). This...
Killing robots with efficiencySo i'm in a ISSEA STEM team and i joined the robot sumo team to design robots that could beat the snot out of other robots. last year i...
Rouge-like boss ideaWhat if, instead of having the same boss in a rouge like over and over again, you became the boss after the game ended. Your character...
IntroductionHey this blog is about Game design, Dungeons and Dragons story ideas and pretty much anything else i want to include. Essentially i'm...